Friday, January 31, 2014

Jan 30 Worry Works!

January 30
Worry Works

Php 4:9 and the God of peace shall be with you.

 Worry actually works.  Over 90% of things people worry about never happen. Worry drives them away.

We have briefly touched on three major causes of worry. In the Book of Philippians Paul is not concerned over circumstances, people or things and therefore has nothing to worry about.  Yes, that sounds oversimplified, but it is not. The process takes more than just saying to stop worrying over the three major raw materials of our concerns.  The book of Philippians alone is not sufficient to give us all the tools to accomplish what Paul outlines there. That is why we have the other 65 books of the Bible. 

2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

The Bible is filled with accounts of circumstances, people and things and how God used them to teach people how to trust Him. If you are familiar with the Bible you could think of several Biblical accounts of God telling people to do something and they either obeyed and were rewarded or they missed out on what God had for them.  So why do circumstances, people and things still trouble (worry) some Christians?  Knowing what God has done and can do may be interesting reading but it is ineffective unless a person applies those lessons to their own heart and mind.

Some Christians I fear are like the inner city man who was in a cabin in the north woods. The cabin had a stove and a pile of wood but the man was freezing.  He wanted the stove to give him heat before he gave it wood.  Some folks want God to give them love and patience and joy and peace so they can start trusting Him. They are not willing to trust God first.  They will not accept God’s way of doing things. Trust and I will bless you. Do and you will receive. Believe and I will supply your needs.  They want the stove to give them heat first and wonder why God is letting them freeze.

 That is the message in vrs 6 and 7. 

Php 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.   

Be care full for nothing. Do not be full of care. Stop worrying.  Pray! Webster defines supplication as asking humbly and earnestly.  Just take your burden to the Lord and leave it there. Tell God what you need. Please don’t tell Him how to do it.

When I was in charge of the youth group in our church, some of the kids at our planning meeting prayed about an upcoming trip. They asked for sunshine, warm temperatures, etc etc. I stopped them and asked why they were praying for those things?  They said because they wanted it to be a good time for the trip. I told them if that was what they wanted then ask God that everyone will have a good time and don’t tell Him how to do it. Just let God work out the details.  It was cold, rainy, and windy on the trip. The kids had a great time, laughing and enjoying the trip.  God had answered their prayers.

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Paul has given us the blueprint on how to be happy.  Don’t let circumstances, people or things take it from you. Those three cannot take your happiness. You have to give your happiness away.  Perhaps complaining about your circumstances, grumbling about people and wanting more things has become a habit and part of your character.  If you want to be truly joyful (full of joy) you will have to change.  The book of Phillipians has the foundational ideas of how to get started to follow Paul’s example. The Bible is filled with the building blocks that will enable you to trust God to help you become joyful. It won’t happen overnight. Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of traveling through life. It is a lifelong learning process that is done one step at a time, as God reveals what you should do next. The Chinese say a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Please pause for a moment to consider how you deal with circumstances, people, things and worry. If you are an unhappy Christian here is the path to happiness.  You just have to be willing to take that first step. If you are already on the happiness pathway, may God bless you and guide your steps.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Jan 29 A Pile of Garbage

January 29
A Pile of Garbage

 Php 3:8 for whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
 and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Things! More things.  Everything.  I think there is a song that describes our present day (2014) culture.  “I want it all and I want it now!”  Companies used to spend millions to convince us we need the things they sell. Now they spend even more to make us feel ashamed if we have the “old model”.  “You still have a flip phone?  Ha Ha Ha.”  “How can you watch football on that little 48” screen?”  “Your car doesn’t come with a built in microwave? You must like cold coffee.” Etc etc.

It used to be people just wanted to “keep up with the Jones’s”. That was when people spent money they didn’t have to buy things they didn’t want to impress people they didn’t like. But now days our culture is no longer satisfied to just keep up, they want to have the best, most, latest whiz-bang things and leave the Jones’s way behind.  Why is that? It isn’t a new thing.

I read an account of a woman who stopped to look at something.  A salesman engaged her in small talk and mentioned an item she might be interested in. She replied that she really shouldn’t but it was appealing. So she picked it up and saw how great it looked. She really wanted it. It was something that would help her be smarter. What could be wrong with learning to be wise.  So Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit.  She had acted on the same forces that drive people today.
1Jo 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh,
and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,

   I am not suggesting people do not need things, or it is wrong to buy something just because it would be enjoyable.  It isn’t wrong. What is wrong is expecting things to provide happiness. Isn’t that why some people who are depressed go to the mall?  If they buy a thing, something, anything, everything it will make them happy. Paul explains why that is a poor substitute for the joy that can be found in Christ and Christian living.

Mt 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

Having things is not a problem. The problem is when things have you. Be careful before you answer that things don’t have you. When Paul said he had lost all things and counted them as dung he was including what he had listed in vrs 4-7.  That included his heritage. He came from a very good family. He had studied and earned a high position, he was a Pharisee, a member of the religious and political party of the day. In addition to being a Pharisee he was a very zealous Pharisee.  The Pharisee’s were a religious party that was scrupulous in obeying every Jewish law and ceremony. Paul said he obeyed every Jewish law until he was blameless. 

What things make you happy?  How do you use that to further your spiritual growth, or the ministry of Christ in the community?  Perhaps it is a thing which you don’t see any way to use it spiritually.  That is OK. But does that wonderful thing you have impede your Christian growth or testimony?  Then that isn’t OK.

Perhaps you come from a well known family in your community.  Or you have acquired some position of prominence, or have a sterling reputation. Paul had all those.  Paul had a lot of friends when he was a Pharisee.  He lost them when he started preaching Christ and salvation by faith.

If you have never accepted Christ those things are important to you. They define who you are. Paul had all those and said

Php 3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ

Paul was joyful, even in prison, facing possible execution, with the loss of everything for Christ. It is not necessary that you lose everything as Paul did. What is required is you do not put any thing ahead of Christ and His work.

If you are a born again, Bible believing Christian, would your reputation, your community position, or any other thing you hold dear be damaged if people learned you are a dedicated Bible believing Christian. Or have you managed to keep your daily life and your Sunday Christianity separate?  I doubt any reader of this blog is that shallow a Christian. It is my hope that you all understand, as Paul did, that things do not bring lasting happiness.

 1Jo 1:4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

Jan 28 We Have Met the Enemy

January 28
We Have Met the Enemy

Php 2:14 ¶ Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

Yesterday we considered how circumstances only take your happiness if you allow them to. Today we will consider chapter two of Philippians where we learn that people cannot take your happiness unless you give it to them.

There is no need to tell you the world is filled with ungodly, immoral, bad people.  But Paul is not writing about them in Philippians chapter two. He is writing to born again church members. There were factions in the church with different ideas. Philippi was in Greece (Macedonia) and the Greek culture was one of superiority and not subservience. Greeks saw themselves as far above other nations, and even other city states in Greece. Their culture rewarded people who were self-confident leaders and despised those who were submissive.  Paul understood that and knew it was part of their problem. 

It is still part of the problem in churches today. You and I both understand the problem is all those other people. Oh, you and I are OK…..but there are times I wonder about you!  My favorite cartoon character is Pogo when he crawls out of the swamp and announces “We have found the enemy and they are us!”

I have been in churches where the fellowship was sweet and there was a sense of unity of purpose. People's individual “quirks” were accepted and used to further the gospel.  People used their unique talents to assist one another and there was a genuine spirit of mutual respect and fellowship. 

I have also been in churches where that did not exist. They used the right language, proclaimed they were a Bible believing church, but were not united in purpose. The Matt 18 :15-17  says if you have a problem you go to the person and discuss it. If they will not hear you then you take a couple witnesses and if needed involve the whole church, which has the final authority. But I have never seen a church use Matt 18 to resolve anything.  Even when I have suggested a church follow the Scriptures I have been rebuked by church leaders. “That only applies if both parties are in the will of God.”  Pride gets in the way. No one is willing to be submissive and the church may eventually split over some trivial issue. Such was the church at Philippi.  Paul wrote to help them become united.

In Verse 1 Paul is telling them since in Christ we have comfort of love, fellowship, and mercy then please make me happy and get along with each other.  He tells them how to do that in the following verses. They should be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord and of one mind.  When we read those concepts our immediate reaction is “I am not going to give in to that man, or that woman!”  You don’t have to. Our competitive nature is such that we see one side winning and the other side losing; black and white. win or lose.

 What I often tell people who are having difficulty with someone is that I have never seen a situation where one side was 100% right and the other side was 100% wrong. First determine what part of the problem is your fault. (Skip that step if you never sin and are perfect)  Now get to work on resolving the part of the problem that is your fault.  It is not so much who is more right or more wrong. Both sides fall short and need to change their behavior.  At issue is how each side meets the standard of being Christ like and following Biblical principles. Paul explains what they need to change

Verses 3-11 Paul is trying to combat the Greek superior mentality and trying to get them to see that as Christ did not come to be served but to serve they should follow His example.

Vrs 14 Stop murmuring.  My Webster says murmur is a half suppressed complaint. I like the medical definition. An atypical sound of the heart indicating a functional or structural abnormality.  Yes, murmuring, complaining Christians do have an abnormality of their heart. Paul also says stop disputing. (Webster – to argue with irritating persistence. ) 

Murmuring and disputing are usually the visible signs of deeper problems; such as bitterness or anger or rebellion against God.  Nonetheless Paul asks the members of the First Church of Eternal Harmony in Philipi to have the mind of Christ and become servants to one another, stop murmuring and stop disputing.  How will these things make you happy?

First if you have adopted the mind of Christ and become a willing servant you will not seek the places of prominence and be upset when someone with lesser talents gets that job. You will stop seeing others as inferior to yourself as well.  It isn’t really as hard as it sounds.  But I am still working on it.

Secondly if you stop murmuring and refuse to listen to other people who murmur your life will be a lot happier. The problem with listening to a complainer is they will see you are receptive and start coming to you even more. You will be seen as one of them, the complainers. How do you prevent a murmur from pouring out there backbiting gripes?  Give them that look that says you are not interested.

Pr 25:23 ¶ The north wind driveth away rain: so doth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue. 

Once you stop being involved in murmuring you should not be involved in disputing.  If you cannot or will not do these three things you may have a deeper problem…maybe an abnormality of your heart!

On the other hand if you do stop and then realize that your church has too many people who want to be superior to others, lots of murmuring and continual disputes and the leadership (Pastor & elders) are not correcting those who do such things then you need to ask God if you are in the right place. One of the best ways to be happy is to take on the mind of Christ and then surround yourself with like-minded people.  A short poem says it well.

 To live above with Saints in love
Oh won’t that be Glory.
To live below with Saints we know
Well, that’s a different story!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Jan 27 Get Me Out of Here

January 27 
   Happiness is a Choice

Php 1:12 ¶ But I would ye should understand,…

 Paul was concerned.  He had reason to be. He was in prison.  His execution was pending. There were people mocking what he had preached.  His circumstances were about as bad as it gets.

In these devotionals I have often mentioned the four things that weigh Christians down; circumstances,  people, things, and worry.  The book of Philippians addresses those in its four short chapters.  Today I want us to consider circumstances, with the other three following in the next three days. 

“But I would ye should understand,…” .  What did Paul want them to understand?  Was he writing to tell them how bad his circumstances were?  Did they know what it was like to be in a Roman prison, with ungodly guards, little hope of ever leaving, his execution pending, knowing his ministry was being mocked, having to sleep on a stone bench or the stone floor, miserable toilet facilities, and probably crummy food that the smelly guards may have messed with? NO!  Paul tells us what he wanted them to know in verse 12.

Php 1:12 ¶ But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel;

Paul was concerned that they were overly sad and discouraged that he was imprisoned. He tried to cheer them up by telling them that his circumstances have allowed the Gospel to be proclaimed.

Verse 13 tells us his imprisonment gave him access to people and places he could have never gotten to otherwise. Paul was a Roman citizen and Rome was a nation of laws. The people in Caesar’s court would have to deliberate his case and discuss his message.  There would have been some “water cooler” talk about Paul’s arrest and why he was arrested. 

Paul saw it as a positive. He had gotten the message inside the court system. People were talking about it. It was an encouragement to other Christians to speak up about their faith. Even those who mocked his ministry were promoting the idea of Christ.

Php 1:18 …whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, …

OK, let’s get real. How on earth could someone in Paul’s situation (circumstance) be all that happy.  Many of us would have been complaining that the toilet didn’t work and the food was disgusting, and demanding to know where our lawyer was.  Paul could have done that. No one would have blamed him. But Paul had made a choice.

“Two men looked out through the bars
One saw mud the other saw stars"

Paul was happy for a number of reasons.

1.    “Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ”. From the first verse Paul identified himself as a servant.  A servant’s main concern is obedience, not results. The master is responsible for the results; the servant is responsible for obedience. Even in the Old Testament we find the phrase “Obedience is better than sacrifice”.  (1Sa 15:22)

2.    Php 1:3  “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,… Paul spent his time remembering the good things and thanking God for what He had done.  Paul did not drive himself into despair over all the things which could have, would have, should have been done.  He remembered past blessings and was thankful.

3.    Php 1:4” Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy.” Paul spent time in prayer.  Oh, we would prayed fervently!  “God get me out of here!”  But Paul prayed for other people and did it with joy.  

     Dear reader, are your circumstances preventing you from living a joyful Christian life? Or are your circumstances  an excuse for you to be depressed, angry, and less than what a joyful Christian should be?  Please do not be irritated with me, but if you believe your circumstances have robbed you of your joy, you have deceived yourself and chosen to be unhappy. 
       Suppose there was a magic wand that would make all your bad circumstances disappear and surround you with all you want to be happy, would you then be an obedient Christian, striving to please Christ and follow Biblical principles in all you do?  Please do not be angry at the messenger (me) I just deliver the questions.   

Monday, January 27, 2014

Jan 26 Hard Work

January 26
You Can’t Work That Hard!

Hab 2:4…: but the just shall live by his faith. 

The just shall live by his faith?  We find that verse in the New Testament in Romans 1:17, Gal 3:11, and Heb 10:38.  But what is that verse doing in a minor prophet in the Old Testament?  I thought the Old Testament was under law and the New Testament under grace. So how could Habakkuk be talking about being justified through faith?

In the 3rd chapter of Galatians Paul answers that question.  After Paul had established some churches throughout  the region of Galatia (what is now central Turkey) Jewish teachers had convinced the people in those churches they had to do follow Jewish practices in order to be saved. The Jewish people looked back to Abraham as their “father” and Paul reminds them that Abraham lived 430 years before the law was given.  How then did Abraham receive justification? It was by faith. 

Ga 3:6 ¶ Even as Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.

The Just shall live by faith

The Bible tells us even Lot, the carnal Christian, was justified.    
2Pe 2:7 ¶ And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:  2:8 for that righteous man dwelling among them…

The Just shall live by faith

When Martin Luther studied the book of Romans that verse (Rom 1:17)  awakened in him the concept of faith based belief. As a result he became sensitive to some corrupt practices of his church and invited a debate on 95 questions which he tacked on the church door (the bulletin board of the times). The printing press was a recent invention of that time, and Luthers  list of 95 questions was printed and within a short time had spread across Europe. The result was the Protestant Reformation.

The Just shall live by faith

Perhaps some readers will wonder why the book of James says “faith without works is dead”? Doesn’t that say you have to have both faith and works to be justified? 

Jas 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.  

That verse seems to contradict our study of “the just shall live by faith. But it doesn’t if you read what the verse says. It does not say a man is justified by works alone. It says it takes both works and faith, not just faith only.  James explains it clearly in verse 26. 

Jas 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Yesterday I heard a radio preacher end his broadcast by saying “Repeat this prayer. God I know I am a sinner. I am sorry for my sins. I accept Jesus as my savior. Amen”   He then said anyone who repeated that prayer is now a born again Christian! 

Was that really true?  Is it that simple? Well not exactly. If the people who repeated that prayer were truly saved they would be a “new creature” . Their life would be changed. They would hunger for the Word of God, they would desire fellowship with other Christians, and they would put off the old man and the works of the flesh. They would put on newness of life and desire to do good things. But what if none of those things happened?  Would that simple prayer be the basis for their salvation, even without any evidence that they were changed (born again).  James says No!

Jas 2:26 ….so faith without works is dead also.

Oh dear reader, good works will not produce faith, but faith will produce good works. That is what our verse for today is saying.

The Just shall live by faith