Friday, February 21, 2014

Feb 19 I don't have time

Feb 19

   I Don’t Have Time

Hag 1:2… The time is not come….

The Book of Haggai is one of the Minor Prophets. Most Christians don’t know much about the Minor Prophets. There are twelve of these short books. At times they are hard to read and understand.  Partly that is because there are so many mentions of places, people and circumstances that we are not familiar with.  But if you do a little study to learn what the background of the book is, and can locate some of the places, or understand why they are mentioned,  the books come alive.

Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary summarizes the events in the book of Haggai in three or four paragraphs. The book was written after Judah had been released from the Babylonian captivity. During the 50 plus years they were in captivity Jerusalem was reduced to rubble. Solomon’s Temple was destroyed. The nation of Judah had started to rebuild the temple but had given up and become occupied with other pressing issues.  Haggai encourages them to return to complete the temple. It was an essential place of worship, which they needed.

The last part of Haggai ends with prophetic language regarding the coming Messiah.  OK, let us dig for what treasure we can find in this portion of scripture for us today.

The book of Ezra tells us some of the previous temple building efforts.

Ezr 1:3 … and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD God of Israel, (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem.

The decision was made to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. 

Ezr 3:10 And when the builders laid the foundation
of the temple of the LORD, …

They started with the foundation and much enthusiasm. 

Ezr 4:24 Then ceased the work of the house of God which is at Jerusalem.

The ruler at that time sent an order to stop the building of the temple, fearing Jerusalem would become too powerful.

And there it sat, unfinished, year after year. The ruler who had ordered it stopped was gone. Yet it sat there, undone, with no one taking the time to get it started again. What reasons could they have to not build that which was so central to their religious lives? There were reasons. (Excuses!)

They were new in Jerusalem and were still getting settled in.  (They had been there 18 years!)

They were ordered to stop building the temple.   (Yes, 16 years previously)

Maybe they didn’t have the money for it.   (They had money for nice houses)

OK, Maybe the didn’t have time for it.  (They had time to make nice houses)

Maybe they were waiting for someone to form a “Committee of Temple Completion”  (Phooey)

Perhaps they did not think it was their job. (That was the reason they were sent to Jerusalem)

We don’t need a temple. Abraham worshipped at a pile of rocks.  (You aren’t Abraham!)

Finally God sent Haggai with a message to these excuse making people.

Hag 1:2 Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying,
This people say, The time is not come,
the time that the LORD'S house should be built.

They thought it wasn’t the right time. Maybe next year they would have time. Or maybe when the kids were out of school, or when the dog died!  But not now.  We are just so busy.  This isn’t a good time to start another project.  God’s response is;
     Hag 1:4 Is it time for you, O ye, to dwell in your
cieled houses, and this house lie waste?
You have time to work on your houses with their fancy ceilings, but no time for My house? God’s displeasure with them is obvious.  Notice in Haggai 1:2 God does not call them “my people” but “this people” and in 1:4 refers to them as “O ye” (as in O ye of little faith).

Haggai goes on to explain that there was a reason their crops did not yield what they should. God was withholding blessings from them.  They were not honoring Him and needed some correction.

Procrastination is a problem for some of us. We allow everything that is good to crowd out what is best. We all get the same amount of hours each week (168) but they seem to slip away so easily. When I think of the old phrase “time flies” I don’t think of a bird, I think of a rocket!  Perhaps we need to re-read their excuses in hopes we can find some that will work for us.

They thought it wasn’t the right time. Maybe next year they would have time. Or maybe when the kids were out of school, or when the dog died!  But not now.  We are just so busy.  This isn’t a good time to start another project.

I will gently ask you if God has laid some task on your heart. What is the thing you know you should do for Him?  Perhaps spend time in His word? I won’t guess. By now you have thought of what it is.  So have I!  Please excuse me now. I have something that needs to be done!    


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