Monday, March 31, 2014

Mar 25 - 500 Angels

Mar 25
500 Angels
2Ti 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid…

“A fool can ask more questions than a wise man can ever answer.” That is true even more now in the “information age”.  Several years ago a school superintendent asked me several Bible related questions. He said he was a Christian, and told me about his wonderful Bible preaching grandfather. I think he was trying to impress me with his deep knowledge of the Bible. He was the kind of Christian who wore cowboy boots, drank whiskey, chawed tbaccy, told dirty stories, cussed with the best of them, but never used God’s name in vain.  He knew that was just wrong!  

His questions were about creation. Things like if light wasn’t created the first day how did God see what he was doing.  Did the trees have growth rings in them? Where did Cain and Able get their wives? Just one foolish and unlearned question after another.

So I responded to his questions by telling him “500!”  He looked puzzled and asked “500?” 

“Yes, I think the answer to your questions is 500 angels can dance on the head of a pin.”  That was a reference to the medieval ages when theologians debated such silliness.  I was in effect telling him that I was not going to respond to his questions which were of the same type the ancient theologians debated. He smiled and the conversation changed.

The Bible is pretty clear and easy to understand, at least the basic central theme. For example;

Ge 1:1  In the beginning God created
the heaven and the earth.

Pretty simple to understand what this verse says. There are no big words. People who want to ask picky technical questions about creation probably do not accept the first verse of the Bible. Sometimes I just take them back to this verse and ask if they believe it. Yes or No! Paul gave Timothy the best advice. Do whatever it takes to avoid foolish and unlearned questions.

     Do not be deceived by those who pretend to be spiritual and ask questions no man can answer. They do not seek answers, they only want to show your understanding is flawed, to reinforce their own unbelief.

1Ti 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless
genealogies, which minister questions,
rather than godly edifying which is in faith...

It requires some discernment to tell who is seeking to know God better and who is there just to try to befuddle you with foolish questions. If someone does not want to talk about Christ until you tell them if the ass Balaam rode spoke Hebrew or Chaldean, (Num 22:28) you are talking to a fool. Ignore their foolishness because whatever answer you may give will not lead to either their edification or your own.  

     Paul repeats the same warning 3 times in Timothy and once in Titus. There were false teachers in those days. They had altered the scriptures.

2Pe 3:16 As also in all his epistles, …which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

Paul warned Titus to beware of such foolish people.

Tit 3:9 ¶ But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies,
and contentions, and strivings about the law;
for they are unprofitable and vain. 10 A man
that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; 11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted,
and sinneth, being condemned of himself.

The world is filled with people who reject the simple Biblical message of Salvation by faith alone.  They do not need to prove every verse of the Bible is wrong. The biggest lies are the ones which are mostly true, but the key element is false. Our society is filled with lies, and we are encouraged, sometimes by the force of law to conform to this world (Rom 12:1) Homosexual marriage is just two people who love each other.  Abortion isn’t evil. Evolution is how God did it. Fornication (unmarried sex) is normal. The Bible is filled with violence and bloodshed and genocide. God wouldn’t do that. He loves everybody and we will all get to heaven in our own way.  The Bible is filled with errors.
    Then to make matters even worse, Bible publishing houses rewrite the Bible, leave out a verse here and there, then copyright it to protect their profits and tell you they have the most accurate Bible. A dozen or so years later, a different publisher copyrights their version and claims it is the most accurate. Their goal is not accuracy, but profits. 

We are awash in misinformation, lies, and heresies. Our thought for meditation today is an antidote to avoid such foolishness. Do not study to be an expert in what is false. Build up your knowledge with the truth of God. Read your Bible. It will be a greater blessing than arguing with a fool.

2Ti 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
 a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth.
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.





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