Friday, January 17, 2014

Jan 18 Use a Magnifying Glass

 January 18

Use a Magnifying Glass 

Ps 34:3 O magnify the LORD

Magnify the LORD?  How can we do that?  The Bible tells us of his greatness, and that He is all powerful, all knowing, all seeing.  How then can we do the impossible and magnify the LORD?. Perhaps there is a clue in the verse we are considering.

Ps 34:3 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together.

This is a psalm of David. Here he invites us to magnify the LORD with him.  Then he suggests that together we can exalt His name.  No I don’t see any clues here on how to do the seemingly impossible.  Dear reader, what could you do that would magnify the LORD?  Would you tell Him something he does not know? Would you go where he has not been? Could you lend your arm to increase His strength?  Could you advise Him on the best way to solve your problems? No, there is nothing we could do to magnify the LORD!

When I find a verse that seemingly asks me to do the impossible I know I do not understand what is being said. That means I need to check the dictionary for the meaning of words I think I understand and compare scripture with scripture. Let us seek the answer in scripture first.

Eze 38:23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD.

Maybe there is a clue here. God can magnify himself so he is known in the eyes of many nations.  Maybe magnifying God is how he is seen?  Let’s check the dictionary (Websters 11th collegiate         pg 748)  “…to have the power of causing objects to appear larger…”.  Oh, of course. Now I get it.  When we magnify something it does not get larger, it just looks bigger. And the greater we magnify the larger it appears. That is what the verse is saying. “O magnify the LORD…” Do things that make Him look larger.

Many in our world today go about their lives as though God did not exist. They do not see His handiwork, or recognize His grace and mercy.  For them God is so small as to be invisible.  

Others have differing degrees of how large God is in their lives. For some He is almost not there. For others he is seen but not in much detail. How big is your God? How can you magnify God in your daily life? First we should think more on His Mercy. That is what keeps us from getting what we deserve. Then we should think on His Grace. He gives us what we do not deserve. And finally we should become more sensitive to His daily presence and protective hand over us.  That is what Mary did.

Lu 1:46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,  

She did not magnify herself. We should follow her example and “Magnify the Lord internally”

But there is a second way we can make God appear larger. We can help others to see God in their lives. As we go about our daily affairs we should help others see God as a larger part of their lives. They may not see God except in church, or maybe never. We can make God appear larger to them by what we say and what we do. That is how God was going to magnify Himself,

Eze 38:23 Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself;
and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the LORD.

If you spend time magnifying God in your soul, you will be so filled with all His kindness, love and mercy you will not be able to stop yourself from sharing some of that. That is what David was talking about. 

If your cup runneth over then go splash some of God’s goodness on your family, co-workers, friends and people you meet.  Help them see God in a larger way. May God help us all see Him in the beauty of His holiness.

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