Friday, May 9, 2014

April 20 Paths in the Sea

April 19

Paths In The Sea?

Ps 8:8 …the fish of the sea, and whatsoever
passeth through the paths of the seas..

 The Bible is not a science book. But when it mentions things in the realm of science it is accurate. But most people in the world today do not believe that.

Ge 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Scientists now know that the earth was created by a big bang. They also know by study of meteorites that the material in them is the same age as the earth. But they do not know what caused the “big bang”.

Ge 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground,…

Wonderful old Matthew Henry summarized this verse in his 6 volume commentary. He said “And God created man from the dust of the earth….The workmanship exceeded the material.”  But modern science also knows that is not true. A puddle of water had some dissolved minerals in it, then a lightning bolt, or cosmic ray or something caused those chemicals in the water to take on life.

It took a few Gagillion years but the result is a myriad of animals, plants, bugs, birds, and man. The diversity that evolved is nearly unimaginable. From that puddle of water eventually came trees and  fleas, rice and mice, whales and snails, dogs and frogs, slugs and bugs, gnats and cats, etc. Evolution is true and the Bible is false. That is what they want you to believe. Even if scientists have not been able to duplicate the creation of life from dead minerals, they are convinced that God is a liar and they have the truth.

The same is true of our verse today. The psalmist mentions “paths of the sea”. What are paths of the sea and why would they be included in a psalm that is exalting our God? The phrase seems at worst meaningless and at best a poetical expression.

Great Bible scholars like Matthew Henry are silent on this phrase. They could make no sense of it and therefore did not comment on it.

Some history may shed light on it. In the 1700’s when England ruled the seas there was a nautical mystery. It took weeks longer to sail to New York than it did to Newport Rhode Island. Some leading thinkers in England correctly guessed that the sea must have some kind of current that flows from America toward Europe and the ships headed to New York had to fight against the current.
Benjamin Franklin helped that study in 1769 by dragging a thermometer behind the ship he was on. He noticed there was a place where water temperature was higher.  He published a map of the gulf stream in England in 1770, which the British ignored for years.

If you had asked the British about our verse they would have scratched their heads and perhaps made a wild guess at its meaning. But today, with our knowledge of the gulf stream as well as numerous other ocean currents the verse makes perfect sense. The inspired author of the psalms wrote “…paths in the sea..” because God knew about them. Perhaps you may think that an ocean current is not a path. But the Gulf Stream is usually about 60 miles wide and about 3000 feet deep. Almost like a huge river.

So what is the point? Only that the Word of God is sure and accurate, even when it mentions things we do not understand.

Ps 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words:
as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Just because you do not understand a passage, or are unlearned about some reference the Bible mentions does not mean the Bible is wrong. It means you do not have sufficient knowledge to understand it.

Scientist take what they know and use it to judge the Bible as false. That silliness has been going on for centuries. The Catholic church locked up Galileo for saying the earth rotated around the sun. Dr.’s in Vienna nearly revolted when it was suggested that they wash their hands between every patient, even though Leviticus describes how to stop the spread of germs.
Le 15:13 And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.
The lesson for today is to know that the Bible is accurate. But while it is not a science textbook, what it does say is accurate. There are many scriptures which mention scientific phenomena that were unknown or not understood when they were written, such as the paths of the sea. I believe they were written for our encouragement that the Bible is accurate, truthful and can be depended on. What a delight to stand looking into the heavens on a clear night and see the handiwork of God. Or walking through a garden and marveling that the Creator could encode all the instructions for tiny seeds to grow into flowers, vegetables, trees, or grass. Let us conclude with the same psalm we started with.

Ps 8:3 ¶ When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

Please remember that pure science is limited. If a scientist finds a fossil in Nebraska he can record it’s weight, size, exact location, temperature, and perhaps identify the creature it came from. But he cannot tell how it got there, why it is there or even that it is where the creature died. If the scientists comments on anything he cannot measure with certainty he has moved from science to speculation based on his personal philosophy.

Ps 8:9 O LORD our Lord, how excellent
is thy name in all the earth!

What a fantastic privilege we have to be able to freely read the Word of God. It is a sure buckler for our souls, the Sword of the Spirit and a light for our paths. May we not allow those who do not believe it to confuse us with their philosophy.
Ps 119:89  For ever, O LORD,
thy word is settled in heaven.



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