Wednesday, October 29, 2014

June 2 The Trouble I've seen

June 2     


    The Trouble I’ve Seen

Ps 31:7 I will be glad and rejoice in thy mercy:
for thou hast considered my trouble;
thou hast known my soul in adversities; 

They wanted him dead. The leaders in foreign countries wanted him killed. Prominent families tried to kill him. Even the leader of his own country had sent the military to find him and kill him. People were afraid to help him or even talk with him. He avoided capture by fleeing to the wilderness. During the months he was hiding his wife remarried. No wonder there were times when David felt discouraged.

It was during one of these low points that David penned the 31st Psalm.

Ps 31:10 For my life is spent with grief, and my years with sighing: my strength faileth because of mine iniquity,
and my bones are consumed.

Most of us can relate to similar times when we have felt overwhelmed with life’s circumstances. But David had slipped into a specially deep feeling of grief.  Most of us have friends we can talk to, who will help share the burdens of life and try to cheer us up. But David did not have that.
Ps 31:11 I was a reproach among all mine enemies,
but especially among my neighbours,
and a fear to mine acquaintance:
they that did see me without fled from me.

When we have been brought low by problems, circumstances, losses and grief we still do not have the problems David did. His main problem was people wanted him dead.

Ps 31:13 For I have heard the slander of many:
fear was on every side: while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life.

If David was a man chosen of God to be King over Israel, and he had times of discouragement, why are we so shocked when we travel through the deep valleys of darkness between the mountain tops of joy and delight. Did someone tell you that the Christian life was all mountaintops of joy and praise? Do you really think God wants you to giggle all the way to heaven? We know better than to adopt such an immature way of thinking. Our faith and trust are not shown when life is all zippidy-do-dah but when our hearts are breaking. Mature faith does not shield us from disappointment and grief, it gives us direction and guidance through those tough days. Is being discouraged wrong? No! Even Jesus wept (John 11:35)

Warren Wiersbe wrote a fun devotional book entitled “The Bumps are What You Climb On”. The premise of the book is that what we see as problems are actually opportunities that God provides for us to learn spiritual lessons. Herbert Lockyer’s wife died after a long illness. Herbert had to give up his preaching ministry to care of her for years before she died. He used that time to write several books on Bible study. He also wrote a very useful book “Dark threads the Weaver Needs” on bereavement and was intended for those who had lost a loved one. His wife died when he had written about half the book. His book is not a “put on a happy face” kind of book. Because his wife died while he was writing it, there are real concerns, real solutions and real hope that could not have been learned any other way than to have suffered the loss he had.

The bumps are what we climb on. That was what David did. He was in the valley of despair but knew how to climb out of it. He even gives the answer before he describes his torments.

Ps 31:3 For thou art my rock and my fortress;
therefore for thy name's sake lead me,
and guide me.
4 Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily
for me:  for thou art my strength. 
In verse 6 he adds “…but I trusted in the LORD” Then from verse 9-13 he pours out his problems before the Lord.

Verses 14 through 24 focus on how God provides and cares for us. There David was reminding himself of why we can be more than conquerors because of our faith.

Ps 31:14 But I trusted in thee, O LORD:
I said, Thou art my God.
Ps 31:15 My times are in thy hand:…
Ps 31:19 ¶ Oh how great is thy goodness,…

Our meditation for today is multi-faceted. First we should not count it a strange thing when we suffer with problems, situations or loss. Spiritual maturity is not found on mountain top living, but in deep valleys of difficulty. Secondly, if we believe God is in control then those bumps in life are there for our learning. Every adversity should be used for our learning, not our discouragement. Pouting, bitterness, anger and depression are all signs we have not learned what God has for us.

Thirdly we need to make use of every bump for our learning. I employed ladies who would become sad and discouraged when they had made a mistake and ruined a part. I would explain that mistakes were good because we could learn from them. But if we did not learn than we had wasted a valuable mistake. Let us look at the bumps we encounter as valuable learning opportunities. God should get our attention the first time. We should not need Him to keep increasing the bumps until He gets our attention.

It was not meant as a deeply spiritual comment, but what John Wayne said can be applied to learning God’s lessons quickly. John Wayne said “Life is hard …….it’s even harder if you’re stupid!”

David ended the 31st psalm encouraged and advises us that the more we trust in God the greater our strength becomes.

Ps 31:24 Be of good courage,
and he shall strengthen your heart,
all ye that hope in the LORD.

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